Australasian Union Conference Record


October 1, 1906

Devotional Meeting—September 23


“The time has come for decided efforts to be made in our cities. Read Luke 21. This is the message for this time, and it is written to this generation of the end. We must let nothing interpose between us and the work God has given us to do. Special efforts must be made to bring the truth before those in the cities. AUCR October 1, 1906, par. 1

“Let no time be lost in picking others to pieces. All contention is to cease. We are to love as brethren. Let us go up into the mount with God, that we may come back with the reflection of the glory of God upon us. The only place we can obtain it is in the mount with God. There is a work to be done in studying the Word of the Lord as revealed in His law. There has been much casual reading, but how much real study? Christ lived among men and preached the very precepts of that law in the world. AUCR October 1, 1906, par. 2

“The work will soon be cut short in righteousness. We must become more persistent and more devout in our efforts to carry it forward to completion. The time has come that we must not only be active, but we must concentrate that activity so as to make it tell. If we spent more time in the mount with God our work would be more effectual. AUCR October 1, 1906, par. 3

“There must come more convincing power into our preaching. The sword of the spirit must be edged anew and sent forth with power. Shall we put ourselves to it like men with all the realities of eternity before them? We want the Holy Ghost power to go forward and complete God's work in the earth.” AUCR October 1, 1906, par. 4