General Conference Daily Bulletin


February 22, 1897

A Letter to the Conference

[Read at the opening meeting.]


Sunnyside, Cooranbong, N.S.W.,

January 10, 1897.

Greeting to the Conference: I am praying for you, that the enemy will be defeated. The Lord would have his people labor for unity, and to answer the prayer of Christ. Here is our greatest hindrance. When we read, “The whole multitude of them that believed were of one heart and one mind,” we understand that the agency of the Holy Spirit was doing its work on human hearts. Until the Holy Spirit is accepted and allowed to do its office work upon the heart, each individual will strive to become a center of influence for himself. But we know in our experience, that harmonious subordination to the Spirit of God is rest, and peace, and joy. Then think of the positive necessity of coming under this molding, transforming power, in order to enjoy heaven in this life, and eternal blessing in the future life. GCDB February 22, 1897, par. 1

We are never to get above the simplicity of the work. It is a power in its simplicity. A consistent life, a fervent zeal, a meek and quiet spirit, mingled with a heart overflowing with love for perishing souls, is Bible religion. We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard. The Lord help us all to follow Jesus. He will teach us the art of overcoming obstacles, of supplanting rivals, and winning hearts. I am sure we need Jesus at every step. GCDB February 22, 1897, par. 2

I am sure Satan with his hellish agencies, is striving his best to dishearten and discourage; but we must not be discouraged, neither must we fail. We must suffer loss and be spoken against; and have false witness borne against us, and take it patiently, for Christ's sake. One thing is sure—God is true. We may lean heavily upon him, and we shall not become confused amid the Babel of voices. We must put the armor on, and keep it on. Then what?—Fight manfully the battles of the Lord, and having done all, stand ready for another conflict. We must keep in harmony, taking the whole armor of God. We must have increased faith, and move forward, carrying this banner of truth—the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. We must not think that we are the generals, but that we are under the mighty General of armies. O let us pray as never before. Let us believe with heart and soul the words of John, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” It is a poor time when in the fierce conflict, to show one particle of cowardice. We have a General who never lost a battle. Have faith in God, and we shall gain the victory. GCDB February 22, 1897, par. 3

Our Saviour is the Restorer. How he longs to gather his children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings. “O that his people had hearkened unto him, and Israel had walked in his ways.” It is blinding unbelief and self-sufficiency that will not permit those that are in error to know him. Then they would not crucify to themselves the Lord of glory, and put him to an open shame. We must cultivate faith. We must believe at every step, and talk courage and hope. Light, precious light, is for the people of God who will see it. GCDB February 22, 1897, par. 4

In love,

E. G. White.