Manuscript Release No 1033


Washington, D. C., Wednesday, December 24, 1890

[Ellen White sent a 22-page letter (Letter 41, 1890) to Dr. John Harvey Kellogg on this date. She expressed her deep concern over the exorbitant fees which were being charged by some Seventh-day Adventist doctors (but not by Dr. Kellogg).]

I have not felt as well as usual. Speaking so many times in the evenings is not favorable to me. I visited Sister D., Sister Gilmore's grandmother. MR1033 51.6

Again the Lord set before me in the night season, December 24, the perils coming upon the people of God.... MR1033 51.7

Christmas Eve I spoke in a good-sized hall to an intelligent congregation from Luke 10:25-28. I had freedom in speaking. There were a goodly number present and all listened with much attention.—Manuscript 53, 1890, 6-7 (Diary 16, pp. 420, 423). MR1033 52.1