Manuscript Release No 1033

South Lancaster, Mass., Wednesday, October 15, 1890

The morning of the 15th was quite cool but pleasant. We enjoyed a precious season of prayer with the family and then bade them farewell, and the hack took us back to the depot. We stepped on the cars about 15 minutes past nine a.m. Many crowded into the cars. There were no seats. We were requested to go into the chair car until we reached Utica. We paid nothing extra for this privilege. We find we must economize in every way possible.... MR1033 8.1

We arrived at Worcester about five o'clock. Had to wait one hour and a half. We arrived at South Lancaster about eight o'clock. Brother A. T. Robinson [President of the New England Conference.] was at the depot with carriage for us. We were taken at once to Sister Harris’ where we were welcomed and felt at home.—Manuscript 42, 1890, 1-2 (Diary 16, pp. 217-218, 220). MR1033 8.2