The Bible Echo

October 31, 1898

Christ, the True Example


Christ's life on earth was meek and lowly. He did not take His place on a throne as Commander of the earth. He attached to His name no high titles, to make His position understood. He took not on Him the nature of angels. For our sake He stepped down from His royal throne, and clothed His divinity with humanity. He laid aside His royal robe, His kingly crown, that He might be one with us. He resigned His position as Commander in the heavenly courts, and for our sake became poor, that we through His poverty might be made rich. He hid His glory under the guise of humanity, that His divine, transforming power might touch humanity. BEcho October 31, 1898, par. 1

While on earth Christ lived in the home of a peasant. He wore the best garments his parents could provide, but they were the humble garments of the peasants. He walked the rough paths of Nazareth, and climbed the steeps of its hillsides and mountains. In His home He was a constant worker, and left on record a life filled with useful deeds. Had Christ passed His life among the grand and the rich, the world of toilers would have been deprived of the inspiration which the Lord intended they should have. But Christ knew that His work must begin in consecrating the humble trade of the craftsmen who toil for their daily bread. He learned the trade of a carpenter, that He might stamp honest labor as honorable and ennobling to all who work with an eye single to the glory of God. Angels were His attendants; for Christ was doing His Father's business just as much when toiling at the carpenter's bench as when working miracles for the multitude. He held His commission and authority from the highest power, the Sovereign of heaven. BEcho October 31, 1898, par. 2

Christ descended to poverty that He might teach how closely in our daily life we may walk with God. He took human nature that He might be able to sympathise with all hearts. He could engage in toil, bear His part in sustaining the family in their necessity, become accustomed to weariness, and yet show no impatience. His spirit was never so full of worldly cares as to leave no time or thought for heavenly things. He often held communion with heaven in song. The men of Nazareth often heard His voice raised in prayer and thanksgiving to God; and those who associated with Him who often complained of their weariness, were cheered by the sweet melody that fell from His lips. BEcho October 31, 1898, par. 3

He knew that it required much patience and spirituality to bring Bible religion into the home life, into the workshop, to bear all the strain of practical life, and yet keep the eye single to the glory of God; and this is where He was a helper. BEcho October 31, 1898, par. 4

Christ and the heavenly universe saw that the power of Satan was taking the world captive, that nearly all mankind was under his deceiving power. The gold and silver and precious things of earth possessed a charm for men. To them riches meant power and honor, and they would do any injustice or violence in order to obtain that which they coveted. The fear of the Lord was fast departing from the earth, when the Son of the Highest came to the world. “Lo I come,” He said, “to do Thy will, O God.” His arm brought salvation. BEcho October 31, 1898, par. 5

He began His mission in the lowly walks of life, placing Himself where the family of which He was a member required His service. He did not shirk responsibility, but carried into His labour cheerfulness and tact. He regarded every department of human industry as though it were a part of His commission from God. The Commander of heaven became subject to command, but in it all He manifested heartiness and devotion. He was a perfect pattern in every place. BEcho October 31, 1898, par. 6

Christ passed through all the experiences of His childhood, youth, and manhood without the observance of ceremonial temple worship. He held no office, He assumed no rank. He passed through the experience of infancy, childhood, and manhood without a stain upon His character. He consecrated Himself to God that He might benefit and bless others, to show that in every period of life the human agent can do the Master's will. BEcho October 31, 1898, par. 7

Mrs. E. G. White