The General Conference Bulletin


April 1, 1903

Two Extracts


God says, “Go work today in My vineyard. Get away from the places where you are not needed. Plant the standard of truth in towns and cities that have not heard the message. Prepare the way for My coming. Those in the highways and hedges are to hear the call.” GCB April 1, 1903, par. 1

God will make the wilderness a sacred place as His people, filled with the missionary spirit, go forth to make centers for His work, to establish sanitariums, where the sick and afflicted can be cared for, and schools, where the youth can be educated in right lines.—Unpublished Testimony. GCB April 1, 1903, par. 2

The people of God need now to pray and humble their hearts before the Lord. Then they will see all things clearly. It is heart humiliation that is needed by those who have in trust so great and so important a truth,—a truth which, if received and believed, will purify the life from all selfishness, all emulation. Let the Lord's people draw near to Him, and let them love one another as brethren. A guilty world is going to destruction; and if Satan can keep at variance those whose hearts should be full of tenderness and love, on whose lips there should ever be the law of kindness, how pleased he is!—Testimony. GCB April 1, 1903, par. 3