The General Conference Bulletin


March 1, 1895

Extract From Testimony Dated October 27, 1894


The only true knowledge of the message of the righteousness of Christ, the only true test, is personal acceptance of it. The effect will be vitalizing to the human soul. By poor, misguided agents, the messenger of truth may be regarded as infallible; by human minds that think themselves wise, he may be placed where God should be, and be left to reveal that he is not infallible. Then the ones who have looked for something to condemn, feel a triumph in iniquity, and those who exalt the human agent may be just as willing to turn against him. GCB March 1, 1895, par. 1

But there is the message all the same; it is not changed; it trembles not from any shock it may receive. The men who have been lauded and exalted may reveal the weakness of humanity, because they did begin to think that they were more than common humanity; but what then? Will they adhere to error? Here is the test; If, when they see the danger, they flee from it, they show to the world, to angels, and to men, that the citadel of the heart is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that they will in no case harmonize with selfishness of any description. GCB March 1, 1895, par. 2