A Place Called Oakwood


6—The Lord Loveth a Cheerful Giver

Periodical: The Southern Watchman

April 16, 1907

“The Lord now calls upon the members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in every locality to consecrate themselves to Him, and to do their very best, according to their circumstances, to assist in His work. By their liberality in making gifts and offerings, He desires them to reveal their appreciation of His blessings, and their gratitude for His mercy. PCO 70.1

My dear brethren and sisters, all the money we have is the Lord's. I now appeal to you, in the name of the Lord, to unite in carrying to successful completion enterprises that have been undertaken in the counsel of God and that are waiting for their portion of the $150,000 fund which has been called for by the General Conference Committee. Let not the work on the Nashville Sanitarium and the Takoma Park Sanitarium be hindered for lack of means. Let not the work of rebuilding at Huntsville be made difficult and burdensome because the necessary means is withheld. Let not those who are struggling to build up the other enterprises, great and small, that are needing the promised aid, become disheartened because we are slow to unite in making up the fund that is asked for. Let all our people arise, and see what they can do. Let them show that there is unity and strength among Seventh-day Adventists. PCO 70.2

In the providence of God, some may gather more wealth than do others. The Lord blesses them with health, with tact and skill, that they may receive of His goods and bestow upon others. The possession of means brings a test of character. All have a responsibility according to that which they have received; and from those who possess wealth, the Lord looks for bountiful gifts. To those who desire to be baptized with the Holy Ghost, I would say, Take up the work of God where you are, and with your gifts help the work in places nigh and afar off. PCO 70.3

My dear brethren and sisters, let us every one make a covenant with God by sincere self-denial and self-sacrifice, that we may help in extending the truth to many places. The Lord will certainly bless all who do His will without murmuring or complaining. PCO 70.4


Source: The Watchman, April 16, 1907, Art. B, par. 12; Testimonies to the Church Regarding The Strengthening of Our Institutions and Training Centers, 5-6 PCO 70.5