A Place Called Oakwood


5—Men Who Will Catch the Notes

Context: Ellen White responds to two letters from an overworked G.I. Butler.

October 13, 1903

I wish to speak of another point. In regard to Brother Rogers connecting with the Huntsville School, I thought at first that this might be best, but light has come to me that he can accomplish a much greater work in Vicksburg. In a short time, as the work opens up in the large cities, he will be needed as a man who can be depended upon. At present he is needed in Vicksburg. Let God use the men of capability just where their influence will tell for the most good. Brother Nicola has been placed in charge of the Huntsville School. Give him another trial, and keep looking for a man to take hold there who is sound and solid in every respect, and who will stand firm for principle. PCO 17.1

At this time we need, not men who will catch up new, fanciful ideas, but men who will catch the notes that sound from the heavenly courts, and who, without consulting any man, will obey God's orders. We have been warned that the enemy will bring in his deceptive working. In so subtle a way will he work that he will appear to be an angel of light. I am bidden to lift up my voice and say to all our people, Beware, beware. Those who, having had warnings and entreaties and counsels, still follow their own will, are not laborers together with God. PCO 17.2


Sources: Letter 219, 1903; Manuscript Releases 17:311-312