A Place Called Oakwood



In the night season I was taken from place to place, from city to city, in the Southern field. I saw the great work to be done—the work that ought to have been done years ago. We seemed to be looking at many places. Our first interest was for the places where the work has already been established, and for the places where the way has opened for a beginning to be made. I saw the places in the South where institutions have been established for the advancement of the Lord's work. One of the places that I saw was Graysville, and another [was] Huntsville. The Lord led in the establishment of these schools. PCO 154.2

Sources: Letter 25, 1902; Manuscript Releases 2:64; Testimonies for the Church 7:231

The schools in Graysville and Huntsville were established in the order of God. They are to do a work for Him. PCO 154.3

Sources: The General Conference Bulletin, April 14, 1903; The Southern Watchman, October 25, 1904; The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, 1800

I would call your special attention to the needs of the Huntsville School. This school is on a farm of over three hundred acres, which was purchased by the General Conference and given to the work for the colored people of the South. This school farm is to be made a representation of what can be done to help the colored people. PCO 154.4

It was in the providence of God that the Huntsville School Farm was purchased. It is in a good locality. Near it there are large nurseries, and in these nurseries some of the students have worked during the summer to earn money to pay their expense at the Huntsville School. Those for whom these students have worked give them a high recommendation, saying that they have accomplished more than an equal number of other hands. PCO 154.5

Sources: Letter 313, 1904; The Oakwood Manual Training School, 11

In the night season I was taken by my Guide from place to place, from city to city, in the South. I saw the great work to be done—that which ought to have been done years ago. We seemed to be looking at many places. Our first interest was for the places where the work has already been established and for those where the way has opened for a beginning to be made. I saw where there are institutions for the advancement of the Lord's work. One of these places was Graysville, and another, Huntsville, where we have industrial schools. These schools are to receive encouragement and help, for the Lord led in their establishment. Each has advantages of its own. PCO 155.1

Source: Testimonies for the Church 7:231

In Graysville, in Huntsville, and in many other places, God has been opening the way for the establishment of interests that will be as lights in a dark place, and will prepare the way for the acceptance of saving truth. PCO 155.2

Source: Selections from the Testimonies for the Church For the Study of Those Attending the General Conference in Oakland, Ca., March 27, 1903, 61