Loma Linda Messages

The Conference President

When a man is placed as president of a conference, it is not to be supposed that he is to mold and fashion the minds of the workers in that conference after his own human ideas; and that if men do not follow his ideas, they may be brought to terms by his saying to them, “You cannot receive wages from this conference unless you do as I tell you.” LLM 324.2

It is the duty of the presidents of our conferences to deal kindly and impartially with all the workers under their charge. They should counsel with their fellow laborers, regarding the wisest course of action to be followed in their labors. In meekness and humility they should set an example of earnest zeal and integrity. But never should they assume the responsibilities that belong to other workers. LLM 324.3

In the minds of many there is a false idea regarding the duties of a conference president. By a faithful example, it is his privilege to be a help spiritually to all the other workers, encouraging them to come into such relation to God that He can direct them in their appointed work. The first qualification for the president of a conference is that he himself has learned to seek and to receive counsel from God. “He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” LLM 324.4

I am instructed to say that when a man swells to large undue proportions, the people should assemble and in the name of the Lord release that man from office, and put some one in who will not suppose that he is sufficient in wisdom to define how every branch of the work shall be conducted, but one who will seek to find out what is his duty. It is the privilege of the conference president to say, “I have this responsibility. If I lose the sweet spirit of Jesus Christ, with its softening, subduing influence, that is to constitute me a light amid the moral darkness, then I must no longer hold this sacred office.” LLM 324.5

I now call upon all our churches in Southern California to awake, before it is everlastingly too late. The self-competent men who do not humble their souls before God, will unless they repent, certainly be lost. LLM 324.6

In some lines, the work must now be remedied, and the all sufficiency of men must be outlived, by a diligent turning to the word of God. Oh, I am so sad, because of the example that has been given of a superiority, a dictatorial authority, that has been born of self! LLM 325.1

A real converting, reformatory change should now take place. Every one who fears God should search the Scriptures, and carry with him into his day's work a sense of his privileges under a Ruler who understands the purity of his motives. Minds must not be diverted from God to man. We must not fear the fear of the wicked, and allow our consciences to be manipulated by men. Satan has been bearing rule in many minds. He will work through those who can be easily exalted and led to exercise their capabilities to repress or exalt others. The time has come when we must keep firm hold of the strong arm of Jehovah; for every species of delusion is being exercised. The prince of darkness is working through the minds of men who, in their lack of spiritual discernment, suppose that they are to rule the experience of the Lord's little children, who are to look to God in a living, simple working faith. LLM 325.2

Satan is working to captivate the world. We have entered the last great conflict. But holy angels will guard the people of God, so long as they put their trust in His infinite power. Could our eyes be opened, we should see holy angels guarding the humble followers of Jesus, and evil angels working upon human minds to intercept the rays of light from the word of God that should come to the people. LLM 325.3

“Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. Yet they seek Me daily, and delight to know My ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God: they ask of Me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching to God.” LLM 325.4

Read and study carefully the whole of the fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah. If positions of responsibility are entrusted to men who are distrustful of self, and fear the Lord God, they will understand that it is a matter of great importance that they walk humbly before God, and that they do not become careless, or inattentive to His word. LLM 325.5

I am to say to the people of God, Take heed that ye be not deceived. “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near: let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.” LLM 325.6

Ellen G. White


Paradise Valley Sanitarium


National City, California,

December 1, 1907.

Elder and Mrs. J. E. White:

Dear Children,

I thank the Lord that He has sustained me on this journey. I have done much important writing. On Sabbath a week ago, and again last Sabbath, I spoke in the church at San Diego... LLM 326.1

I am hoping and praying that I may understand my duty. It seems to me that I must remain in this section of the country until after Elder Haskell arrives, and then I may not be able to leave for some weeks to come. An important work has been begun in the vicinity of Riverside. The third year class of students at Loma Linda went over to Riverside a few weeks ago, and did their first practical work in canvassing for “Ministry of Healing.” There were eight in the class, and their object in visiting the homes of the people was more to become acquainted, and to talk of the work at Loma Linda, than it was to sell books for profit. However, in the course of their conversation, they would usually introduce “Ministry of Healing,” tell the story of the book, and then offer to sell it as a volume that contained the principles taught in the school at Loma Linda. In this way, about seventy copies of the book were placed in the homes of the people, in a little over one week; and the students made many, many friends for the work at Loma Linda. Wherever they went, they sought to leave a good impression. We believe they did a good work. They were wide awake, and full of courage in the Lord, and seem to have met with success. LLM 326.2

The second-year class will undertake a similar work soon while the third-year class continue their studies at Loma Linda. Later on, it is hoped that some members of the first-year class can go out. Thus each of the several students in the school will assist in working Riverside. I suppose you have seen that place. It is a grand city, and the managers of Loma Linda Sanitarium are seeking to gain a foothold there by introducing, first, the “Ministry of Healing.” Afterward, they will send out students with “Christ's Object Lessons.” They will earnestly endeavor to handle these books wisely. LLM 326.3

A similar work is to be carried on in other places besides Riverside. We are all praying that the Lord may abundantly bless these first working forces going out from the school. It means much to our Loma Linda Training School and Sanitarium, not only with regard to the good impression that they hope to make on the minds of the people, but in a financial way as well. Many new students have come in, and considerable money will be needed to care for them all, and at the same time keep up the other running expenses of the school and sanitarium. At Loma Linda there are now over a hundred under training for medical missionary work. LLM 326.4

Oh, how anxious I am to have a small press in operation at Loma Linda, so as to print the discourses that shall be given in the surrounding cities! I have mentioned the matter to Brother Henry W. Kellogg; for he has a special interest in this line of work. We need a small press for printing notices, and for bringing out in printed form, for use in surrounding cities, discourses that will be given from time to time. Now is our time to work. We expect to connect with the W.C.T.U. in some lines of service. LLM 326.5

I can not feel free to return to St. Helena until I see the work fully in running order. The Lord has given light that these cities in the San Bernardino Valley should be worked. The time has come to do this, and we are to have wise managing forces to carry the work forward intelligently ... LLM 327.1

There never was a time when we needed more to encourage faith, than at the present time; for there are perplexities on the right hand and on the left. LLM 327.2

Ellen G. White