Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library, vol. 1


Chapter 26—Appeal to Young Men*

By Ellen G. White

My mind is exercised in regard to the young men who have crossed the broad waters to America, in order to obtain an education that they thought they could not obtain in their own country. 1NL 81.1

I am much pleased with New Zealand. I think it a very fine country, and would have no objection to making my home here if this were the will of God. But my mission and work require me to be a pilgrim and a stranger, waiting, watching, and working, till the time shall fully come, when with the saints in light, I shall enter the city which hath foundations, whose Maker and Builder is God. 1NL 81.2

For many years I have seen by faith the inheritance of the saints afar off, and I have been persuaded of the promises, and have embraced them. I have perfect confidence in the God who is behind the promises. I am pleased to confess that I am a pilgrim and a stranger in the earth. My earnest determination is to declare plainly by my life and character to all with whom I am brought in contact, that I seek a better country, even a heavenly, as did those men of old who loved and feared God. “Wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He hath prepared for them a city.” 1NL 81.3