Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library, vol. 1

Reward of Fidelity

You will have a great conflict with the power of evil in your own heart. You have felt that there was a higher work for you, but, oh, if you would only take up the work lying directly in your path, and do it with fidelity, not seeking in any way to exalt self, the peace and joy would come to your soul, purer, richer, and more satisfying than the conquerors in earthly warfare. To live and work for God and make the best use we can of all our time and faculties, is to grow in grace and knowledge. This we can do, because it is our work. You must needs put away your questioning doubts, and have full faith in the reality of your divine mission, to be indeed successful in labor. 1NL 75.5

The joy, the success, the glory of your ministry, is to be ever ready with listening ear to answer the call of the Master, “Here am I; send me.” Here, Lord, with my heart's best and holiest affections; here, take my mind with its purest and noblest thoughts, take me, and qualify me for Thy service. 1NL 75.6

I now appeal to you to make back tracks as fast as possible; take up your God-given mission, and seek for purity and holiness to sanctify that mission. Make no delay; halt not between two opinions. If the Lord be God, serve Him; but if Baal, serve him. You have the old lesson of trust in God to learn anew in the hard school of suffering. Let D. M. Canright be swallowed up in Jesus. What is your life? The answer was given by a voice from heaven long ago. It is like a vapor of the morning, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth way. 1NL 75.7

Our names may be called in a little while, and there will be none to answer. Let that life be hid in God, and that name be registered in heaven, and it is immortalized. Follow on whether Christ leads the way, and let the footprints which you leave behind you on the sands of time be such that others may safely follow in the path of holiness. 1NL 75.8