Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library, vol. 1


An Active Conflict

Christ's manner of rule and government is to be established to counterwork the works of Satan, and to bring the world back to its loyalty to God. The Prince of heaven, He who was one with the Father, gave Himself that He might save the fallen race. Satan is actively at work to defeat His highest purposes. But Christ says, Where Satan has set his throne, there will I establish My cross. The prince of evil shall be cast out, and I will become the center of a world redeemed. 1NL 60.1

True conversion to the message of present truth embraces conversion to the principles of health reform. “I, if I be lifted up,” said Christ, “will draw all men unto Me.” Men who in their unconverted state are controlled by human ambitions and human passions, will, through faith in the sacrifice made in their behalf, embrace the terms of discipleship. Human ambitions will be sacrificed; evil passions will be converted; capabilities which through Satan's influence have been employed to counterwork all good, will be turned into channels for the upbuilding of that which once they destroyed. 1NL 60.2