Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library, vol. 1


Present Duty

We must seek to become a united people. Every phase of our work is to bear the signature of God. Those who have not placed themselves on the Lord's side are becoming more bold and more defiant. He calls upon His people to take their stand firmly on the platform of eternal truth. To His true and loyal subjects He has given the words of eternal life. It is for them to obey His Word and do His work, in accordance with His instructions. 1NL 40.5

God sends His Holy Spirit to kindle in the hearts of His followers a desire to open the Word to those who sit in darkness, that they may come to the light of the knowledge of God. 1NL 40.6

We are to carry forward in our world gospel medical missionary work. This work means far more than many comprehend. The one great work of medical missionaries is to be to fulfill the commission to carry the gospel of salvation to all parts of the world. 1NL 41.1

Medical missionary workers must be set apart by God Himself for His work. If they consecrate themselves to God, and are by Him sanctified, body, soul, and spirit; if they walk and work as men called to exalt Christ, they will be recognized as God's appointed agencies. But they need to study carefully the life and character of their divine Example, that all their work may be done after the divine similitude. They need to be humble. Then the language of their hearts will be, “Who is sufficient for these things?” Their success depends upon co-operation with Christ. 1NL 41.2

Who can say where Seventh-day Adventists might be standing today, had they fully carried out the instruction given in the sixth chapter of John, had they received the words which, Christ declares, are spirit and life to the receiver? I hope and pray that we may now seek to understand these words; for they mean much to every soul. 1NL 41.3

Many do not earnestly seek to understand the lessons found in God's Word. They lay aside the Bible, and allow their minds to become engrossed with the cheap reading found in books of fiction, newspapers, and magazines. 1NL 41.4

“Search the Scriptures,” said Christ, “for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me.” The Lord calls for workers whose motives are pure and sincere. He calls upon His people to arouse, and consecrate their capabilities to Him. He will lead all who are willing to be led by Him. 1NL 41.5

Will not all now make a resolute determination to exclude from the life all unprofitable reading, and to feed upon the Word, which, if received, is eternal life? At this time there needs to be a close searching of the heart. To become members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King, is of far greater value than treasures of gold and silver and precious stones.—Manuscript 146, 1903. 1NL 41.6
