Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library, vol. 1


Seek for Perfection

God desires His ministers to seek for perfection, that they may be vessels unto honor. They are to be controlled by the Holy Spirit; and when they speak, they are to show an energy proportionate to the importance of the subject they are presenting. They are to show that the power about which they speak has made a change in their lives. When they are truly united with Christ, they will give the heavenly invitation with an earnestness that will impress hearts. As they manifest zeal in proclaiming the gospel message, a corresponding earnestness will be produced in the hearers, and lasting impressions for good will be made. 1NL 131.6

The greater the influence of the truth upon us, the greater will be our earnestness in seeking for perfection in our manner of imparting truth. 1NL 131.7