Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library, vol. 1


God Honors the Humble Worker

There should be no murmuring or complaining among the workers, when one who moves in a humble position is appointed to work with them, who are looked upon as more capable. They may suppose this humble worker incapable of co-operating with them; but in this they may be greatly in error. It is essential that they learn the lesson of humility and contrition, and become capable of blending in unity with any of God's workers, doing their best under all circumstances, believing that God alone can water the seed sown. In thus doing they will double their influence; for when duty is done with fidelity, and faithful diligence is manifested by the worker, it is evident that he bears the test and pruning of God; and the Lord requires nothing more. That man who thinks himself least the Holy Spirit assists most.—Manuscript 21, 1894. 1NL 130.3