Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library, vol. 1


Call for Action

The laborers must learn to bear a firm, decided testimony, in humility of mind. The truth [must be] unadulterated with cheap matters which are never a help, but always a hindrance to the truth. Carry the people upward and forward positively, step by step, from strength to strength, to the firm foundation of sound Bible doctrine. The laborers should have an intense interest in their work, and as they advance, call for decided action. While the spirit of conviction rests upon the hearts of the people, fasten upon their minds the importance of deciding for and living out the truth. While they are obtaining gems of truth, lead them out to give practical expression to their faith and their gratitude for every ray of light. Let them see that the truth is a living reality to those who are holding forth the words of life. Impress upon them the importance of walking in the light that shines upon them from the Word of God. 1NL 128.4

The workers in the cause of God are to hold themselves continually under the bright rays of the Sun of Righteousness. They are to pray much, opening their hearts to receive the Holy Spirit into the life and character. Then they will manifest His holy influence in their life practice. They are not to feel that it is their prerogative to work the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is to work them, mold them out of self, away from hereditary and cultivated tendencies, and fashion them into the image of Christ's mind and ways. The workers must present with long patience, line upon line, precept upon precept, the duty of the people to be earnest workers. 1NL 128.5