Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library, vol. 1

Chapter 35—Appeal to a Popular Evangelist

By Ellen G. White

God will richly bless those who are humble and sincere, those who are kind and benevolent, who relieve the wants of the widow and the fatherless. 1NL 113.1

This is an age of extravagance and display. Men think that it is necessary to make a display in order to gain success. But this is not so. Take up your work in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and show the fallacy of expending means needlessly for effect. Preach and practice economy. Labor with simplicity, humility, and graceful dignity, and your work will make a lasting impression. Trustful dependence on God, earnest prayer to Him for help, obedience to His Word—these are as gold and silver and precious stones brought to the foundation. 1NL 113.2

Make it stand out with the greatest clearness that all created things are dependent on and under the control of Jehovah, and that as He sees best, He uses them as His instruments for the salvation of those who believe, and as instruments for the destruction of those who harden their-hearts in impenitence. 1NL 113.3