Selections from Testimonies to the Managers and Workers in our Institutions


The Holy Spirit Necessary

Peculiar qualities and powers are developed either for good or evil. In order to have them exercised for good, these powers must be under the controlling influence of the Spirit of God; then their influence will be sensibly felt for good, whatever their possessors may do, or wherever they may be. Each is giving by words and deportment a daily lesson to others, either for their benefit or injury while life shall last. The Lord's service is not regarded by many as sacred and essential, if we judge by their neglect of these sacred privileges. Our own work must be done, but it must not be placed above eternal interests. A faithful discharge of duties in temporal things is necessary, but it should never take the place of religious devotion, and crowd out the time that should be given to it, lest the spiritual strength languish. PH149 34.1