Healthful Living

Treatment for Nervous Disorders

Improve the General Health

871. The mind and body are intimately connected. If the former is to be firm and well balanced, the latter should be in the best possible condition. Conscience and right principles of life should be sustained by firm, quiet nerves, a healthy circulation, and the activity and strength of general health.—The Health Reformer, November 1, 1877. HL 203.3

Fresh Air

872. Air, air, the precious boon of heaven, which all may have, will bless you with its invigorating influence if you will not refuse it entrance. Welcome it, cultivate a love for it, and it will prove a precious soother of the nerves.... It refreshes the body, ... while at the same time its influence is decidedly felt upon the mind, imparting a degree of composure and serenity.... It induces sound, sweet sleep.—Testimonies for the Church 1:702. HL 203.4


873. You were in danger of being stricken down by paralysis, one half of you becoming dead. A denial of appetite is salvation to you.—Testimonies for the Church 1:546. HL 203.5

874. All these brethren need to adhere more strictly and perseveringly to a healthful, spare diet, for all are in danger of congested brains, and paralysis may fell one or more or all of them, if they continue living carelessly or recklessly.—Testimonies for the Church 1:588. HL 204.1

875. You should use the most simple food, prepared in the most simple manner, that the fine nerves of the brain be not weakened, benumbed, or paralyzed.—Testimonies for the Church 2:46. HL 204.2


876. Healthy, active exercise is what you need. This will invigorate the mind. Neither study nor violent exercise should be engaged in immediately after a full meal.—Testimonies for the Church 2:413. HL 204.3

877. Physical labor, a diversion from mental, will draw the blood from the brain.—Testimonies for the Church 2:569. HL 204.4

878. Morning exercise, in walking in the free, invigorating air of heaven, ... is the surest safeguard against colds, coughs, congestions of the brain and lungs, ... and a hundred other diseases.—The Health Reformer, May 1, 1872. HL 204.5

879. The proper exercise of mind and body will develop and strengthen all the powers. Both mind and body will be preserved, and will be capable of doing a variety of work.... The proper use of the physical strength as well as the mental powers will equalize the circulation of the blood, and keep every organ of the living machinery in running order.... Every faculty of the mind may be exercised with comparative safety if the physical powers are equally taxed, and the subject of thought varied. We need a change of employment, and nature is a living, healthful teacher.—Special Instruction on Educational Work 14. HL 204.6

The Bath

880. The bath is a soother of the nerves.—Testimonies for the Church 3:70. HL 205.1

Mental Influence

881. Some ... have a powerful will, which, exercised in the right direction, would be a potent means of controlling the imagination and thus resisting disease.—Testimonies for the Church 2:524. HL 205.2

882. You are capable of controlling your imagination and overcoming these nervous attacks. You have will power, and you should bring it to your aid.—Testimonies for the Church 5:310. HL 205.3

883. Bring to your aid the power of the will, which will resist cold and will give energy to the nervous system.—Testimonies for the Church 2:533. HL 205.4

884. The consciousness of right-doing is the best medicine for diseased bodies and minds.—Testimonies for the Church 1:502. HL 205.5

The Bible

885. The Bible is a soother of the nerves, and imparts solidity of mind and firm principles.—The Review and Herald, November 28, 1878. HL 205.6