Rolling Back the Reproach


Punishment of the World

The Lord is about to punish the world for its iniquity. He is about to punish religious bodies for their rejection of the light and truth which has been given them. The great message, combining the first, second, and third angels’ messages, is to be given to the world. This is to be the burden of our work. Those who truly believe in Christ will openly conform to the law of Jehovah. The Sabbath is the sign between God and his people; and we are to make visible our conformity to the law of God by observing the Sabbath. It is to be the mark of distinction between God's chosen people and the world. PH068 16.1

It means much to be true to God. This embraces health reform. It means that our diet must be simple, that we must be temperate in all things. The many varieties of food so often seen on tables is not necessary, but highly injurious. Mind and body are to be preserved in the best condition of health. Only those who have been trained in the knowledge and fear of God should be chosen to take responsibilities. Those who have been long in the truth, yet who can not distinguish between the pure principles of righteousness and the principles of evil, whose understanding in regard to justice, mercy, and the love of God is beclouded, should be relieved of responsibilities. PH068 16.2

God has important lessons for his people to learn. Had these lessons been learned before, his cause would not be where it is today. One thing must be done. The truth is not to be withheld from ministers or men in positions of responsibility for fear of incurring their displeasure. There are to be connected with our institutions men who with meekness and wisdom will declare the whole counsel of God. God's wrath is kindled against those who in carnal security and pride have shown contempt for his management. They are endangering the prosperity of the cause. PH068 16.3

Every false way is a deception, and if sustained will in the end bring destruction. Thus the Lord permits those who maintain false plans to be destroyed. At the very time when praise and adulation is heard, sudden destruction comes. There are those who, notwithstanding they know of the reproof received by others, because of unfaithfulness, turn away from admonition. These are doubly guilty. They knew the Lord's will, and did it not. Their punishment will be proportionate to their guilt. They would not take heed to the word of the Lord. (Signed.) PH068 17.1

Ellen G. White

Sunnyside, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia.


(Extract from letter to Elder and Mrs. S. N. Haskell, written from “Cooranbong, N. S. W., October 24, 1899,” and signed by Mrs. E. G. White.)

I have had conversation with W. C. White, and made a proposition to him, that I would give the royalty on my coming book, “The Parables,” if the Review and Herald and the Pacific Press would donate their press work, and making of the books in neat, saleable style, and let all the avails be used to help relieve the debts upon our schools. This book will never grow old, and the avails shall go to the schools everywhere to help them. I thought this movement on my part would provoke others to self-denial and to benevolence and mercy, to take right hold of this matter and get out “The Parables” to do this work. Well, the Lord is, I believe, willing to help us in this work. I shall only draw upon the books to give some to the poor that can not buy. W. C. White enters into this plan with great satisfaction. Of course we have not time to get this all before you in definiteness as we will when we have time.... PH068 17.2

Later: PH068 18.1

“How can I help the school in Battle Creek, and help to wipe out that large debt?” It came to me that the only way I could do was to make a gift of the book soon to be issued, “The Parables.” I wish this book to be used in the interests of all our schools.... PH068 18.2

My heart is deeply stirred in regard to the debt upon our schools all over the world. This state of things should not exist. Will you unite with me in creating something that will change this order of things? In the name of the Lord, do something, and do it now. Arouse the people to do something in regard to these school debts. PH068 18.3

E. G. White