Words of Encouragement to Self-supporting Workers


Some do not See the Need of Rural Schools

There are those among us who have been in the truth for years, who have never seen nor sensed the need there is for working the highways and the hedges. All such should seek for reconversion of heart, for divine enlightenment, that they may discern the needs of a dying world. Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost. He went about on foot. He did not ride in easy conveyances. There were no railways or other modern means of travel in his day. It is known that he walked, and that multitudes joined him as he walked. Along the wayside, as he journeyed, he opened the Scriptures to the understanding of his followers. Constantly he was repeating to them the words of life. The multitudes that thronged his footsteps, were charmed with the principles brought out in his discourses. PH113 10.2

As you go out into the highways and the hedges, let no minister of the gospel say to you, “Why do ye so?” We have for our example the ministry of Christ on this earth. We are to remove our lights from under the coverings that hide them from others, and let them shine forth amid the moral darkness. PH113 11.1

“Ye are laborers together with God.” Those who expect to wear at last a crown of life, must in this life be light-bearers. PH113 11.2