
Length of Effort and Closing The Campaign

Length of Effort Not to be Prescribed—Bear in mind that no living man can tell the precise work, or bound the work of a man who is in God's service. No one can prescribe the days, the weeks, that one should remain in a certain locality before pushing on to another place. Circumstances must shape the labors of the minister of God, and if he seeks God he will understand that his work embraces every part of the Lord's vineyard, both that which is nigh and that which is afar off. The laborer is not to confine his work to a specified measurement. He must have no circumscribed limits, but extend his labors wherever necessity demands. God is his co-laborer; he should seek wisdom and counsel of Him at every step and not depend upon human counsel. Ev 326.2

The work has been greatly hindered in many fields because the laborers ask counsel from those who are not working in the field and who see not and feel not the demand, and therefore cannot understand the situation as well as the one who is on the ground.—Letter 8, 1895. Ev 327.1

Study Circumstances Carefully—When a minister is appointed to a certain work, he is not to consider that he must ask the president of the conference how many days he shall labor in a certain locality, but he must seek wisdom from One who has appointed him his work, One who promised to give wisdom and unerring judgment, who giveth liberally and upbraideth not. He must carefully consider every part of the vineyard apportioned to him, and discern by the grace given what he shall do and what he shall not do. Circumstances will arise, which, if carefully studied, with humility and faith, seeking wisdom of God, will make you a wise and successful laborer.—Letter 8, 1895. Ev 327.2

A Complete Work—The work in _____ must be carried forward so long as the interest continues there. Some suitable place must be provided where meetings can be held.... The work in _____ must not be cut short. For years I have pleaded that an earnest effort be put forth in this city, and now that this is being done, let us go straight forward in right lines.—Letter 380, 1906. Ev 327.3

Paul's Longer Campaign at Corinth—The Lord God of Israel is hungry for fruit. He calls upon His workers to branch out more than they are doing. The apostle Paul went from place to place, preaching the truth to those in the darkness of error. He labored for a year and six months at Corinth, and proved the divine character of his mission by raising up a flourishing church, composed of Jews and Gentiles. The Gentile converts were more numerous than the Jewish converts, and many of them were truly converted—brought from darkness into the light of the gospel.—Letter 96, 1902. Ev 327.4

Longer City Efforts—In efforts made in large cities one half of the effort is lost because they close up the work too soon and go to a new field.... The haste to close up an effort has frequently resulted in a great loss.—Letter 48, 1886. Ev 328.1