From Trials to Triumph

Chapter 23—Paul Preaches in Berea and Athens

This chapter is based on Acts 17:11-34, RSV.

At Berea Paul found Jews who were willing to investigate the truth. “These Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. Many of them therefore believed, with not a few Greek women of high standing as well as men.” TT 123.1

The Bereans studied the Bible, not from curiosity, but to learn what had been written concerning the promised Messiah. As they daily compared scripture with scripture, heavenly angels enlightened their minds. TT 123.2

If those to whom testing truths are proclaimed would follow the example of the Bereans, there would today be a large number loyal to God's law. But when unpopular Bible truths are presented, many manifest reluctance to study the evidences offered. Some assume that even if these doctrines are true, it matters little whether they accept the new light. Thus they become separated from heaven. Those who are sincerely seeking for truth will make a careful investigation, in the light of God's Word, of the doctrines presented to them. TT 123.3

The unbelieving Jews of Thessalonica, filled with hatred, followed the apostles to Berea and aroused against them the excitable passions of the lower class. Fearing violence, the brethren sent Paul to Athens, accompanied by some Bereans who had newly accepted the faith. The enemies of Christ could not prevent the advancement of the gospel, but they made the work of the apostles exceedingly hard. Yet Paul pressed steadily forward. TT 123.4

On arriving in Athens, he sent the Berean brethren back with a message to Silas and Timothy to join him immediately. Timothy had come to Berea prior to Paul's departure, and with Silas had remained to instruct the new converts. TT 124.1