The Story of our Health Message

In Harmony With Our Faith

In the meantime the work of solicitation of means was proceeding encouragingly. By the middle of August, 1866, Elder Loughborough was able to report that “our people, not only at Battle Creek, but elsewhere” were entering into the enterprise “with commendable zeal.” There were some who questioned whether starting such an institution might not be regarded as inconsistent with their faith in the soon coming of Christ. To this Elder Loughborough responded: SHM 152.3

“The institution will afford our people an opportunity to learn in the shortest possible time how to apply to themselves those principles which are to fit them to stand at last, like Israel of old, with not one feeble one in all their tribes, and fit us for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Instead of its being a denial of our faith to enter zealously into this work, it is to show that our faith is genuine. This institution itself is to me an evidence of the near coming of Christ—God’s people rallying to get rid of those things that blunt their faculties, that they may be clean vessels, all prepared for translation when the Lord comes. SHM 152.4

“Then again, look at the haste and earnestness with which this work is being carried forward. Instead of its being a matter which we look to months in the future to establish, it is right here. Ere you have fairly read these lines, the institution is to be in operation. Even the rapidity with which this enterprise is being carried forward is an evidence that it is needful that God’s people speedily avail themselves of its benefits.”—The Review and Herald, August 14, 1866. SHM 153.1