The Story of our Health Message

Plans Thwarted

Their plan, however, was tragically thwarted. At Topsham, Maine, Henry White, their eldest son, was stricken with pneumonia. This threatening condition followed a cold that resulted from sleeping by an open window after severe physical exertion. The family physician, who was called in, took measures that only hastened the fatal out-come, and a few days later the saddened family were returning to Battle Creek, where they laid Henry to rest in the Oak Hill Cemetery. SHM 86.3

In the first church paper issued after the funeral (The Review and Herald, January 5, 1864) appeared a note to the effect that the sudden bereavement of Elder and Mrs. White had broken up their arrangements for the winter in the East, and that their work was much delayed, particularly that on Mrs. White’s third volume of Spiritual Gifts. SHM 87.1

Soon they were confronted with another occasion for alarm. Willie, their youngest son, was suddenly and violently prostrated with sickness—with the same affliction that had so recently snatched Henry from them. The child became delirious and made no response when spoken to. His heart beat rapidly, and he suffered with severe pain. SHM 87.2

Sending for a few friends, the anxious parents prayed earnestly for divine help. Then they decided that rather than to employ the accepted methods of the time, they would use simple water treatments in the home. They placed cold compresses, frequently renewed, on the youth’s head and chest, keeping his feet and hands warm. For five days they prayed and worked untiringly. During this time the sufferer ate nothing save one small cracker. SHM 87.3