The Story of our Health Message

Elder White’s Testimony

A statement made by Elder James White a year and a half after the vision further confirms the assertion that prior to the vision of June 6, 1863, neither he nor his wife had read extensively on health subjects, nor had their attention been called to the good work being done by others in that field. Elder White wrote: SHM 82.1

“Eighteen months since, we resolved to read up on the subject [of health], as we could find time, and sent to the Dansville, N.Y., publishing house for an assortment of their works, that might cost from ten to twenty-five dollars. Then we knew not the name of a single publication offered for sale at that house. We heard from reliable sources that there was something valuable there, and resolved to put in for a share.”—The Review and Herald, December 13, 1864. SHM 82.2

That these books were received by Elder White after, and not before, June 6 is indisputable; for a letter from Dr. J. C. Jackson, in reply to this request for health literature from Dansville, N.Y., is dated August 13, 1863. The doctor apologizes for the long delay in answering, due to “absence from home for some time, and great pressure of business after my return.” (This letter is on file at the office of the Ellen G. White Publications.) SHM 82.3

The vision created the interest that led Elder James White, on learning of the work carried forward by Dr. Jackson, to desire to know what he and others were doing in the field of reform; but as explained by Mrs. White, other health publications were not read by her until she had completed writing out the instruction that God had given to her. SHM 82.4