The Story of our Health Message

A Memorable Vision

At the beginning of the Sabbath the family and visitors assembled for song and prayer. Of this prayer service and the memorable vision given at that time, one who was present has written: SHM 76.3

“Sister White was asked to lead in prayer at family worship. She did so in a most wonderful manner. Elder White was kneeling a short distance from her. While praying, she moved over to him, and laying her hand on his shoulder continued praying for him until she was taken off in vision. She was in vision about forty-five minutes. It was at this time she was given instruction upon the health question which soon after became such a matter of interest to our people. Those present at the time this vision was given will never forget the heavenly influence that filled the room. The cloud passed from the mind of Elder White, and he was full of praise to God.”1—Mrs. Martha D. Amadon, Ellen G. White Publications, Document File No. 105. SHM 76.4

During this revelation Mrs. White was given much instruction for the church and also for her husband and herself as concerned their physical welfare. Testimonies for the Church 3:11-13. But the outstanding feature of the vision was the presentation to Mrs. White of the relation between physical welfare and spiritual health, or holiness. Upon her and her husband was placed the responsibility of leading out in educating the people who were preparing for eternal life, regarding the reforms they should make in their daily living. Under date of June 6, 1863, Mrs. White wrote in a document still preserved in the original handwriting: SHM 77.1

“I saw that it was a sacred duty to attend to our health, and arouse others to their duty. ... We have a duty to speak, to come out against intemperance of every kind—intemperance in working, in eating, in drinking, in drugging—and then point them to God’s great medicine: water, pure soft water, for diseases, for health, for cleanliness, for luxury. ... I saw that we should not be silent upon the subject of health, but should wake up minds to the subject.”—E. G. White Letter 4, 1863. SHM 77.2