The Story of our Health Message

God Spoke to His People

In the autumn of 1848, while Elder and Mrs. White were living in Connecticut, she was shown in vision that not only was tobacco harmful, but also that tea and coffee were injurious, and she never used either of them as a beverage after that time. As opportunity afforded, the evils of these articles were pointed out, and the Sabbathkeepers were advised to lay them aside. Late in 1851 one of the brethren wrote to Mrs. White inquiring whether she had seen in vision that it was “wrong to use tobacco.” Replying on December 14, 1851, Mrs. White wrote in no uncertain terms: SHM 65.2

“I have seen in vision that tobacco was a filthy weed, and that it must be laid aside or given up. Said my accompanying angel, ‘If it is an idol it is high time it was given up, and unless it is given up the frown of God will be upon the one that uses it, and he cannot be sealed with the seal of the living God. ...’ SHM 65.3

“I saw that Christ will have a church without spot or wrinkle or any such thing to present to His Father. ... SHM 65.4

“We must be perfect Christians, deny ourselves all the way along, tread the narrow thorny pathway that our Jesus trod, and then if we are final overcomers, heaven, sweet heaven, will be cheap enough.”—E. G. White Letter 5, 1851. SHM 66.1

Continuing, she speaks understandingly of the battle to break loose from the bondage of the filthy weed: “Those who have been in the habit of using tobacco will have a struggle to leave it off, but they must not be discouraged.”—Ibid. SHM 66.2

Then she hastens with words of encouragement to the one who must fight his way, by recounting the experience of one of the honored ministers in his struggle against the tobacco habit: “Let him be humble as Bro. Rhodes was when he was leaving off using tobacco. He called for the brethren to pray for him and we did. He was cured and has desired none since.”—Ibid. SHM 66.3