The Story of our Health Message


MORE THAN a century has passed since the attention of the pioneer Sabbath-keeping Adventists was directed to health lines. This was in the form of specific counsel, through Mrs. Ellen G. White, pointing out the injurious effects of tobacco, tea, and coffee. In our narration covering the period since that time only the highlights of the health movement have been mentioned. The health message was but one of the truths which were in that period progressively received and advocated. Of this Mrs. White wrote in 1867: SHM 426.1

“When we first received the third message [of Revelation 14], the Lord had many things to say to us, but we could not hear them all then. He has led us with a gentle hand and tender care, step by step, till we have reached the reform in health.”—The Review and Herald, October 8, 1867. SHM 426.2