The Story of our Health Message

There Are Others, Too

Not all institutions are big, nor should they be. A six-hundred-thousand-dollar bequest from the grateful husband of a former patient at the Boulder Sanitarium and Hospital made possible the rebuilding of that institution, which was first founded in faith in 1895. SHM 424.3

A small Seventh-day Adventist medical institution was quietly and inconspicuously serving the needs of its rural community in Santa Anna, Texas. From this light was kindled a similar candle in Menard, Texas, as the Seventh-day Adventist Church was entrusted with the operation of the Menard Hospital and Retirement Home. Shortly thereafter the forward-looking and alert college community of San Marcos, Texas, erected a forty-two-bed modern hospital to better meet the needs of the community. SHM 424.4

The lights kindled in Santa Anna and Menard reflected in San Marcos, and the community leaders invited the Seventh-day Adventist Church to assume the responsibility for staffing and operating their new modern medical institution. Hardly had this been accomplished when a similar situation arose in Beeville, Texas, Here again the community joined together to completely build and equip a modern seventy-four-bed hospital. Once more the lamp lighted in San Marcos cast its glimmer in Beeville, and again the Seventh-day Adventist Church was requested to staff and freely operate this new institution. In all of these cities churches are now open each Sabbath morning as the gospel light is being extended to many hitherto unlighted corners of the land. SHM 424.5

Again, the Memorial Hospital of Beeville, Texas, is the child of the Hays County Memorial Hospital of San Marcos, Texas, which in turn is the child of the Menard Hospital and Retirement Home, which in its turn is the child of the Santa Anna Hospital, which like all of our medical work is a child of the Spirit of Prophecy, which is a child of God. And so will it be until the Great Physician returns to cure the diseases of the world. SHM 425.1