The Story of our Health Message

Started With Ten Students

Ten students enrolled in the College of Medical Evangelists as members of the first class to take the five-year medical course. Their loyalty and faith in standing by the school during those years of development—before the acquisition of hospital or dispensary facilities would make recognition possible—enabled the crossing of another of the “rivers of difficulty.” When in 1912 a general call was made for an offering of $25,000, only $8,000 was raised to furnish needed equipment for the third year of the course. At this time, with such a dubious prospective future for the school, the medical students at Loma Linda were notified by a dean of a leading university that a decision from the executive council of the Association of American Medical Colleges made it possible for his university to admit the medical students from the Loma Linda college to junior standing without examination if they had been in attendance two or more years. Yet the loyal students did not leave. SHM 404.3

It was difficult during that period of uncertainty to fill the school to capacity. How different today, when there are more applicants for admission to the university’s professional schools than it is possible to accept, although most qualified Adventist applicants are able to enter the school of their choice. SHM 405.1

And what of the apprehension of one, expressed at that crucial board meeting in 1915, that those who were graduated as professional doctors might follow professional lines and fail to make the gospel teaching first in their work? Let the urgent calls that come from the leaders in every mission field, for more and more Loma Linda graduates, and the enthusiastic reports they render of the results of their labors, answer the question. SHM 405.2