The Story of our Health Message


A Letter of Inquiry

In order to remove, if possible, all question regarding the import of the counsel through the Spirit of prophecy relative to the future developments at Loma Linda, the following letter was addressed to Mrs. E. G. White and placed in her hands January 26, 1910. Here it is as it was published in the The Review and Herald, May 19, 1910: SHM 384.3

“We have read the Testimonies as far as we have seen them, that you have given concerning Loma Linda, and the establishment of a medical school in connection with the work at that place. As far as we know, our people are anxious to carry out the light that the Lord has given; but there is a difference of opinion between us in regard to what you mean when you use the term ‘a medical school.’ SHM 385.1

“Some hold that when you speak of ‘a medical school,’ you mean a school where the Bible is made prominent, where all features of our faith are taught, and where the message is given in its fullness; in addition to which we give an outline of the treatment of simple diseases, the care of the sick, and such things as will qualify the student to go into a foreign field, or even into a city, and do intelligent medical missionary work, using his medical knowledge as a means of introducing the Bible and teaching the truth. SHM 385.2

“Others hold that when you use the phrase ‘a medical school,’ you mean, in addition to the foregoing, a fully equipped medical school that teaches the Bible and the truth, as before said, but that gives such a thorough training along medical lines as will qualify the students who take the course, to pass state board examinations and become registered, qualified physicians for public work. SHM 385.3

“We are very anxious to preserve unity and harmony of action. In order to do this, we must have a clear understanding of what is to be done. Are we to understand, from what you have written concerning the establishment of a medical school at Loma Linda, that, according to the light you have received from the Lord, we are to establish a thoroughly equipped medical school, the graduates from which will be able to take state board examinations and become registered, qualified physicians? SHM 385.4

“Most respectfully yours, SHM 385.5

“I. H. EVANS, SHM 385.6

“E. E. ANDROSS, SHM 385.7

“H. W. COTTRELL.” SHM 385.8