The Story of our Health Message

A Mighty Factor

In Mrs. White’s report of this occasion one may note again how she recognized the work of the institution as a mighty factor in the denominational endeavor for the world. She viewed the medical work as “the most important agency” in the finishing of that task, and Loma Linda as a center for the training of students qualified for that work. To quote her own words: SHM 366.2

“One of the chief advantages of the situation at Loma Linda is the pleasing variety of charming scenery on every side. But more important than magnificent scenery and beautiful buildings and spacious grounds is the close proximity of this institution to a densely populated district, and the opportunity thus afforded of communicating to many, many people a knowledge of the third angel’s message. SHM 366.3

“We are to have clear spiritual discernment, else we shall fail of understanding the opening providences of God that are preparing the way for us to enlighten the world. The great crisis is just before us. Now is the time for us to sound the warning message, by the agencies that God has given us for this purpose. Let us remember that one most important agency is our medical missionary work. Never are we to lose sight of the great object for which our sanitariums are established—the advancement of God’s closing work in the earth. SHM 366.4

“Loma Linda is to be not only a sanitarium, but an educational center. With the possession of this place comes the weighty responsibility of making the work of the institution educational in character. A school is to be established here for the training of gospel medical missionary evangelists. Much is involved in this work, and it is very essential that a right beginning be made.”—Ibid. SHM 367.1