The Story of our Health Message

Another Providential Case

Again earnest efforts were put forth to secure money in southern California to meet the next payment of $5,000 due a month later, but without success. A few days before the fateful hour a gentleman in Oregon, having learned of the new sanitarium, wrote and asked if money was needed. He had just sold a property and planned to come to southern California. He was soon informed of the need, and in a few days a check came from him for $4,500. With $400 in hand, and only another $100 needed, Elder Burden appealed to a lady who had hitherto declined to invest in the Loma Linda enterprise, and she now smilingly responded to an appeal for this amount. Thus the third payment was raised and presented for payment a few days before it was due. SHM 359.3

Those who had been raising the means could now look forward to a respite of three months before the next payment would become due. But the agents for the property greatly desired to hasten the settlement and offered a $100 discount if the next payment were met immediately. This was made possible by camp meeting gifts, after the campers had heard anew the story of God’s providences in the securing of Loma Linda. SHM 359.4

And now the former owners discovered that by a technicality they could not distribute any of the paid-in funds until they wound up the corporation; and this could not be effected until the balance of $20,000—which was not due for three years—was paid. This led them to offer a further discount of $1,000 if the remainder would be paid at once. Says Elder Burden, “Our faith led us to venture a promise that we would have the $20,000 by a certain time notwithstanding the struggle we had in getting the first $20,000. SHM 360.1

“While we were studying how it would be possible to secure another $20,000, a lady came to the sanitarium, although we were not yet ready to receive patients. This was inconvenient, but we tried to make her comfortable. As she was out on the grounds the next day, we noticed that she seemed to look lonesome, so thought to cheer her up. As we remarked about the beauties of the place, she said, ‘I was just thinking how happy I would be to live in a place like this. I am all alone. My husband is dead. It seems I am so lonesome I almost wish I were dead.’ SHM 360.2

“We suggested that she might make her home there. She asked how much it would cost. On stating the amount she said, ‘Why, I have that much in cash.’ We went to the office and wrote out a life annuity. Though the amount was only a portion of the $20,000, it came so unexpectedly that it gave us courage to believe that the balance would come in due time. SHM 360.3