The Story of our Health Message



“At last the day arrived, and the forenoon found the members of the [Southern California] conference committee in session in Los Angeles in deep perplexity. SHM 358.1

“It was natural that some who had from the first felt it unwise to accept the great responsibility should feel that these circumstances justified their misgivings. In the face of the humiliating necessity, as it seemed, of losing the property, it was easy and natural to blame and censure those who had pressed the matter through against what appeared to be sound reason and judgment. SHM 358.2

“Nevertheless, some remembered the clear words that had come through the Testimonies, and refused to concede that there should be failure. Yet we knew not how relief would come. It was suggested that the morning mail might bring relief. Soon after this the postman was heard coming up the stairs. He opened the door and delivered the mail. Among the letters was one bearing the postmark Atlantic City, New Jersey. SHM 358.3

“The letter was opened, and it was found to contain a draft for $5,000, just the amount needed for the payment. SHM 358.4

“Needless to say, the feelings of those who had been critical were quickly changed. Eyes filled with tears, and one who had been especially critical was the first to break the silence. With trembling voice, he said, ‘It seems that the Lord is in this matter.’ ‘Surely He is,’ was the reply, ‘and He will carry it through to victory.’ The influence that filled the room that day hushed the spirit of criticism. It was as solemn as the judgment day. SHM 358.5

“We had previously received a letter from Mrs. White, dated July 10, 1905, in which she had said, ‘I want you to keep me posted about the money coming in with which to make the payments on the Loma Linda property. I am writing to different ones, asking them to help us at this time, and I think that we shall obtain means to make every payment.’ (E. G. White Letter 197, 1905.) SHM 358.6

“Among those to whom Mrs. White had written, asking for money, was this sister at Atlantic City. The Lord had put it into her heart to respond and to mail the letter just at the time when our faith had been tested almost to the limit, that it might be revived and strengthened. SHM 359.1

“Soon we were at the bank window to pay in the $5,000. As the receipt was taken from the counter, a voice seemed to say to us, ‘See how nearly you missed that payment. How are you going to meet the next one, within a month?’ In heart we answered, ‘It will surely come, even though we do not now know the source.’ We thanked God and took new courage in believing that the Lord was going before us.”—Ibid. SHM 359.2