The Story of our Health Message

As Told by Elder Burden

Of the providences connected with the meeting of these payments in quick succession as they became due, we can do no better than to tell the thrilling story largely in the language of Elder J. A. Burden, whose courageous faith was mainly responsible for the success achieved. The first test of faith had come with the request made by Mrs. White while still in Washington, D.C., to secure an option on the property if possible. As already stated, Elder Burden borrowed the necessary $1,000 on his personal note. Let us now hear his account of how he secured this money: SHM 354.2

“Where was the thousand dollars? The only assurance we had was the statement that it would come from unexpected sources. In our perplexity we visited Elder R. S. Owen at San Fernando [California] to inquire if he knew of anyone who had money to loan. SHM 354.3

“At first, after listening to the letters and telegrams concerning the Loma Linda proposition, he said: ‘It seems as though we should secure the property, but without the money, what can you do?’ After more careful thought he remembered a gentleman who had asked him if the [Southern California] conference was needing any money. SHM 354.4

“This gave us new courage, so we tried to find the gentleman in San Fernando, but were disappointed to learn that he now lived several miles down the coast, on a ranch. We hurried off to Los Angeles, then took an electric car that ran within a mile and a half of his property. SHM 355.1

“We found a little cabin that met the description, but no one was at home. On calling at a house about a quarter of a mile distant, we found his sister-in-law, who thought that he was somewhere on the ranch. We searched diligently, but failed to find him; and as it was growing dark, and nearly time for the car, we hurried back. For some reason, which we now can see to have been providential, we failed to signal the car when it came in sight; and it sped by leaving us standing in the dark at the crossing. SHM 355.2

“While waiting for the next car, which was due in two hours, the impression came very vividly, ‘Return to the cabin.’ This we did, and found the cabin lighted up. We rapped at the door, and were invited in, where we found the man with his wife and child, eating supper. SHM 355.3