The Story of our Health Message

Elder Burden Acts

Such was the situation when, in answer to her request, Mrs. White received a letter from Elder J. A. Burden, giving a detailed description of the property, and asking, “What shall we do?” It added, “We must act at once as the company is anxious to sell, and there are others who want it.” Elder Burden requested that the responsible brethren who had gone from California be consulted and that he might receive immediate instruction how to act in the matter. He did not know how long he could continue negotiations, but hoped that he might have time to hear from Washington by telegram before the property had passed into other hands. He also declared that he had found a few brethren with means who had sufficient faith to be willing to pay a deposit on the place, even though they might lose it, rather than to let the property pass out of their hands before they could hear from the brethren in Washington advising them what action to take. SHM 347.3

Upon receipt of this letter, Mrs. White took prompt action. She directed her son, Elder W. C. White, to send a telegram to Elder Burden, instructing him to take such immediate action as would secure an option on the Loma Linda property. She realized that delay might result in the loss of the place, and that the necessary steps should be taken to hold it until the whole question could be carefully studied and a decision reached. Writing more fully of her positive conviction in the matter, she said in reply to Elder Burden’s letter: SHM 348.1

“Secure the property by all means, so that it can be held, and then obtain all the money you can and make sufficient payments to hold the place. Do not delay, for it is just what is needed. I think that sufficient help can be secured to carry the matter through. I want you to be sure to lose no time in securing the right to purchase the property. We will do our utmost to help you raise the money. I know that Redlands and Riverside are to be worked, and I pray that the Lord may be gracious and not allow anyone else to get this property instead of us.”—Special Testimonies, Series B, 3:8. SHM 348.2