The Story of our Health Message


Loma Linda Considered Again

Her interest in and conviction regarding this matter found expression in another letter sent to the same brother only five days later, on March 1. She then expressed her great thankfulness “that there are two sanitariums in running order in southern California,” and “in closing,” asked him not to “forget that sometime a sanitarium will be needed in Redlands.” The brother was asked to “examine the field cautiously” and report his findings. “Now is the time to make discreet inquiries,” she said. (E. G. White Letter 89, 1905.) SHM 344.4

This instruction led the brethren again to consider Loma Linda. On further inquiry it was found that the sale price had been reduced to $85,000. Even though the property represented an investment of fully $150,000, such a sum was still far beyond the point where it could seem within the financial reach of the people of a small conference already heavily laden with institutional debts, and in whose borders two sanitariums had been opened within one year. SHM 345.1

It is but natural for men to be influenced by things as they are, rather than what they may be in the unknown future. But the messages were indited by One who can look far ahead. Lessons of faith were greatly needed, and there was soon to be ample opportunity for its exercise. “Our people in southern California need to awake to the magnitude of the work to be done within their own borders. Let them awake to prayer and labor,” Mrs. White urged a few weeks later. “I have a message to bear to the church members in southern California. ‘Arouse, and avail yourselves of the opportunities open to you.’”—Special Testimonies, Series B, 3:30, 31. SHM 345.2

These words are found in a letter dated April 12, 1905, and addressed to Elder J. A. Burden. Mrs. White urged that evangelistic efforts be conducted in Redlands and Riverside, which had been presented to her “as places that should be worked.” She said further: “These two places should not longer be neglected. I hope soon to see an earnest effort put forth in their behalf. Please consider the advisability of establishing a sanitarium in the vicinity of these cities with treatment rooms in each place to act as feeders to the sanitarium.”—Ibid., 30. SHM 345.3