The Story of our Health Message

The Proceedings Approved

Each member of the General Conference Committee expressed approval of the proceedings. Elder Olsen spoke particularly of the need for well-trained Christian physicians, whose labors might give greater efficiency to the work of many evangelical laborers, and hoped that next year a larger class might be preparing for work. SHM 258.1

The co-operation of the General Conference Committee and the sanitarium board made it possible to characterize this as “one of the most important meetings ever held in the interests of missionary work, in the history of this denomination.” It marked an advance step in the history of health education among Seventh-day Adventists. The rapidly growing work of the denomination had created openings for its youth in many lines, and those leaders connected with the conference work, with their closer contact with the church membership, had naturally used their influence in behalf of such enterprises as those with which they were most intimately acquainted. This had been one of the reasons why the sanitarium management had found it difficult to obtain recruits for medical study. Now the united study of the leaders in the General Conference brought to the latter a fuller recognition of the value of medical missionary work in the advancement of the cause of truth. A new era in the training of Christian physicians was thus opened. SHM 258.2