The Story of our Health Message

Further Emphasis on Health Reform

Further emphasis was placed upon the importance of the health reform as an important part of the gospel message which is to prepare a people for the coming of Christ. “To make plain natural law, and urge the obedience of it” was said to be a “work that accompanies the third angel’s message, to prepare a people for the coming of the Lord.”—Ibid. SHM 188.4

In the following statement Mrs. White gave an added reason why physical habits must be corrected before people are prepared to discern and to receive sacred truths: SHM 188.5

“He [God] designs that the great subject of health reform shall be agitated, and the public mind deeply stirred to investigate; for it is impossible for men and women, with all their sinful, health-destroying, brain-enervating habits, to discern sacred truth, through which they are to be sanctified, refined, elevated, and made fit for the society of heavenly angels in the kingdom of glory.”—Ibid., 162. SHM 188.6

Further specific instruction was given regarding the work of the Health Reform Institute, which had been established “to relieve the afflicted, to disseminate light, to awaken the spirit of inquiry, and to advance reform.” Ibid., 165. The differences between this and other health institutions were never to be lost sight of. “Most institutions of the kind,” wrote Mrs. White, “are established upon different principles and are conservative, making it their object to meet the popular class halfway, and to so shape their course that they will receive the greatest patronage and the most money.”—Ibid. SHM 189.1

In contrast to this, she continued: “The health institute at Battle Creek is established upon firm religious principles. Its conductors acknowledge God as the real proprietor. Physicians and helpers look to Him for guidance, and aim to move conscientiously, in His fear. For this reason it stands upon a sure basis. ... This institution is designed of God to be one of the greatest aids in preparing a people to be perfect before God. In order to attain to this perfection, men and women must have physical and mental strength to appreciate the elevated truths of God’s Word, and be brought into a position where they will discern the imperfections in their moral characters. They should be in earnest to reform, that they may have friendship with God. The religion of Christ is not to be placed in the background, and its holy principles laid down to meet the approval of any class, however popular.”—Ibid., 166. SHM 189.2