The Story of our Health Message

The Crisis Passed

As a matter of reassurance, Elder White wrote: SHM 182.1

“The large building is given up for the present, and the material is being sold. Still a debt of several thousands will be resting upon the institute after this is done. Efforts will be made in the future to have everything connected with the institute managed on the most economical plan, and everything that can be done by the directors to overcome present embarrassments will be done.”—Ibid. SHM 182.2

He maintained that it was no time for the professed friends of the institute to settle back and cast an influence against it. “The very worst time for a horse to balk,” he said, “is when the load draws hard. ... Now is the time for all to stand together like Christian men and women, and share equally the privilege of sacrificing in the cause of Christ. Mrs. W. and self have $1,000 in the institute, as a matter of liberality, and shall expect wealthy brethren to stand with us in this matter.”—Ibid. SHM 182.3

Thus was passed the first crisis in the history of the Health Reform Institute, an emergency which threatened not only to defeat the purposes of God in the maintenance of the principles for which the institution was established, but also to involve it in financial bankruptcy. Out of the sad experience there shines one blessing, however, in the instruction that came emphasizing God’s purposes and plans for sanitarium work in connection with the great worldwide message of truth committed to the remnant church. This instruction, found in Testimonies for the Church, Nos. 12, 13, and 14, may well be studied with profit at this time. (See Vol. I, pp. 553-568; 633-643.) SHM 182.4