Special Testimonies on Church Schools


3. Physiology

The youth should be taught to look upon physiology as one of the essential studies, and they should not be satisfied with the mere theory; they should practise the knowledge obtained from books on this subject. This matter has not yet been patiently and perseveringly worked out. Those who neglect this branch of study, which comprehends so much, will make haphazard work in attempting to teach the youth. They are not qualified to direct in our schools, because the way of the Lord must be learned in order to be practised.—Test., “Our School Work.” PH081 23.5

A practical knowledge of the science of human life is necessary in order to glorify God in our bodies. It is therefore of the highest importance that among studies selected for childhood, physiology should occupy the first place. PH081 24.1

It is well that physiology is introduced into the common schools as a branch of education. All children should study it. It should be regarded as the basis of all educational effort. And then parents should see to it that practical hygiene be added. This will make their knowledge of physiology of practical benefit.—Healthful Living, 13. PH081 24.2