An Appeal for Self-supporting Laborers to Enter Unworked Fields


A Blessing to Those Who Follow God's Plan

Let no man think that because a fellow-worker does not follow his ideas and plans, he can not be doing right. When a man thinks this, he exerts an influence which hinders God by hindering the one through whom He is working. It is God's purpose that the world shall receive the truth through the spoken and written word. His servants are to use their varied gifts in the gospel ministry, and they are to be assisted by the printed page. This is the plan which the Lord has ordained. As it is carried out in accordance with His direction the truth will go forth as a lamp that burneth. PH005 48.1

Through God's appointed agencies, His blessing is to come to the world. Those who will respect His word and follow His plan will see of His salvation.——Manuscript 117, 1901. PH005 48.2