An Appeal for Self-supporting Laborers to Enter Unworked Fields


Qualifying for the Work

Let all set their hearts and minds to become intelligent in regard to the work for this time, qualifying themselves to do that for which they are best adapted. Men who make a success in business life are keen, apt, and prompt. We must exercise equal tact and energy in the service of God. Let every man of whatever trade or profession, make the cause of God his first interest, not only exercising his talents to advance the Lord's work, but cultivating his ability to this end. Many a man devotes months and years to the acquirement of a trade or profession, that he may become a successful worker in the world. Should he not make as great an effort to cultivate those talents which would make him a successful worker for God? All this work of training should be accompanied with earnest seeking of the Lord for His Holy Spirit.... PH005 42.2