An Appeal for Self-supporting Laborers to Enter Unworked Fields


In Poverty and Helplessness

Let two or more persons start out together in evangelistic work. They may not get any particular encouragement from those at the head of the work that they will be sustained but nevertheless, let them go forward, praying, singing, teaching, living the truth. They may take up the important work of canvassing, and in this way introduce the truth into many families. As they move forward in their work, they gain a blessed experience. They are humbled by a sense of their poverty and helplessness, but the Lord manifestly goes before them. PH005 32.2

Among the wealthy and the poor they find favor and help. They come close in friendship to those for whom they work, the one imparting the treasures of the Word, the other imparting temporal sustenance, and both are blessed. Even the poverty of the workers is a means of finding access to the people. As these humble missionaries pass on their way they are helped in many ways by those to whom they bring spiritual food. Many isolated ones are brought to a knowledge of the truth, who, but for these humble teachers, would never have been won to Christ. PH005 32.3