Hillcrest School Farm
Hillcrest School Farm
“The Lord has a great work to be done in the Southern States of America.... He requires far more of his people than they have given him in missionary work among the people of the South of all classes, and especially the colored race.” PH037 7.1
March 20, 1891.
“Those living in places where the work has been long established, should remember the needs of the preparatory work to be done in Nashville.” PH037 7.2
December 4, 1901.
“The work in Nashville is important. If the workers labor earnestly and judiciously, there will be conversions to the truth in.... Nashville.” PH037 7.3
October 26, 1902.
“A school for colored people should be established outside the city of Nashville, on land that can be utilized for industrial purposes.” PH037 7.4
November 24, 1903.
“I was instructed by the Lord that the Southern field was to be given every advantage. Especially was Nashville to be worked: ... Years ago the Spirit of the Lord moved upon the hearts of men to establish in this city institutions of learning to educate the colored people of the South. The Lord now desires his people to establish institutions in this center where a good work has already been done.... I was instructed that memorials for God were to be established in this place, not only right in this city, but a little distance from it.” PH037 7.5
July 3, 1903.
“A more decided interest should be manifested in the work of helping the colored people. If in the future we are to do nothing more for all colored people than we have done in the past, let us lay aside all pretense that we have entered Nashville for the purpose of helping them.... The Lord is not pleased with the present showing. Let there now be a reformation, and the Lord will work with those who are willing to co-operate with him.” PH037 7.6
April 14, 1905.
“There is a great work to be done. Some will ask, What can be done to work effectively the city of Nashville?—One way to success is to get a place a few miles out of Nashville, and there establish a school and a sanitarium, and from these institutions as working centers, begin to work Nashville as we have not worked it yet.” PH037 8.1
September 25, 1905.
“We need to be less diffident about making known our needs to those who can help us in carrying forward the work. The Lord will surely acknowledge determined efforts made to help the people who are in need of help.” PH037 8.2
April 1, 1907.
“My brethren, I entreat you not to let the work for the colored people be longer neglected.... Let our ministers say to the people, Our time in which to work is short. Make it possible to secure places from which the work for the colored people can be carried on. As the Lord's stewards, we are responsible for the welfare of the needy.... The needs of the work, and the motives that should prompt our gifts, should be presented to believers, and urgent calls made upon our churches.” PH037 8.3
September 16, 1907.
“What I have said in the past should be repeated.” PH037 8.4
October 1, 1907.
“Men and women from the colored race are to be educated to work as missionaries for their own people. This education and training is to be given them within their own borders. Schools for colored children and youth are to be established in many different places in the Southern field. I am deeply interested in the maintenance of these schools. I have often spoken on the importance of this work. I desire to do my part in helping this branch of the Lord's cause in the Southern field. And I am calling upon my brethren and sisters in America to act their part. I am pleading with them to show by their works a firm faith in the power of God to gather out from the Southland a people who shall be a praise to his name, and who shall finally unite with the redeemed from among men in singing the song of Moses and the Lamb.”—The Gospel Herald, October, 1907. PH037 8.5
“Culture on all points of practical life will make our youth useful after they shall leave school to go to foreign countries. They will not then have to depend upon the people to whom they go to cook and sew for them or build their habitations. They will be much more influential if they show that they can educate the ignorant how to labor by the best methods and to produce the best results. This will be appreciated where means are difficult to obtain. They will reveal that missionaries can become educators in teaching them how to labor. A much smaller fund will be required to sustain such missionaries, because they put to the very best use their physical powers, in useful, practical labor, combined with their studies. And wherever they go, all that they have gained in this line will give them standing-room. If the light God has given were cherished, students would leave our schools free from the burden of debt.” PH037 31.1