Testimony to the Church

Warning to Wealthy Parents

At the camp-meeting in Vermont, in 1870, I felt urged by the Spirit of God to bear a plain testimony relating to the duty of aged and wealthy parents in the disposition of their property. I had been shown that some men, shrewd, prudent, and sharp, in regard to the transaction of business generally; men distinguished for promptness and thoroughness, manifest a want of foresight, and promptness in regard to a proper disposal of their property while they are living. They know not how soon their probation may close, yet they pass on from year to year with their business unsettled, and finally their life frequently closes without their having the use of their reason. Or they may die suddenly, without a moment's warning, and their property is disposed of in a manner that they would not have approved. These are guilty of negligence. They are unfaithful stewards. PH159 148.1

Christians who believe the present truth should manifest wisdom and foresight. They should not leave the disposition of their means, expecting a favorable opportunity to adjust their business during a long illness. They should have their business in a shape where, if they were called at any hour to leave it, and have no voice in its arrangement, it may be settled as they would have had it were they alive. Many families have been robbed of all their property dishonestly, and have been subjected to poverty, because work that might have been well done in an hour, had been neglected. Those who make their wills should not spare pains or expense to obtain legal advice, and to have them drawn up in a manner to stand the test. PH159 149.1

I saw that those who profess to believe the truth should show their faith by their works. They should, with the unrighteous mammon, make friends, that they may finally be received into everlasting habitations. God has made men stewards of means. He has placed in the hands of stewards, money to carry forward the great work of the salvation of souls for whom Christ left his home, his riches, his glory, and became poor, that he might, by his own humiliation and sacrifice, bring many sons and daughters of Adam to God. God, in his providence, has ordained that the work in his vineyard should be sustained by the means intrusted in the hands of his stewards. A neglect on their part to answer the calls of the cause of God in carrying forward his work, shows them to be unfaithful and slothful servants. PH159 150.1

I had been shown some things in reference to the cause in Vermont, but more especially at Bordoville and vicinity. The following is from testimony No. 20: “There is a work to be accomplished for many who live at Bordoville. I saw that the enemy was busily at work to carry his points. Men, to whom God has intrusted talents of means, have shifted the responsibility which Heaven has appointed them, of being stewards for God, upon their children. Instead of their rendering to God the things that are God's, they claim all that they have as their own, as though by their own might, and power, and wisdom, they had obtained their possessions. PH159 150.2

“Some put their means beyond their control, into the hands of their children. Their secret motives are, to place themselves in a position where they will not feel responsible to give of their property to spread the truth. These love in word, but not in deed and in truth. It is the Lord's money they are handling, not their own. They do not see this. PH159 151.1

“Parents should have great fear in intrusting children with the talents of means that God has placed in their hands, unless they have the surest evidence that their interest in, and love for, and devotion to, the cause of God is greater than that which they themselves possess, and that these children will be more earnest and zealous in forwarding the work of God, and be more benevolent than themselves in carrying forward the various enterprises in connection with the work which calls for means. But many place their means in the hands of their children, thus throwing upon them the responsibility of their own stewardship, because Satan prompts them to do it. In doing this, many have placed means effectually in the enemy's ranks. Satan has worked the matter to suit his own purpose, to keep from the cause of God means which it needed, that it might be abundantly sustained. PH159 151.2

“Many who have made a high profession of faith are deficient in good works. If they should show their faith by their works, they could exert a powerful influence on the side of truth. But they do not improve upon their talents of means lent them of God. Those who think to ease their consciences by willing their means to their children, or by withholding from God's cause, and suffering their means to pass into the hands of unbelieving, reckless children, for them to squander, or hoard up and worship, will have to render an account to God, because they are unfaithful stewards of their Lord's money. They allow Satan to outgeneral them through these children whose minds are controlled by the power of Satan. Satan's purposes are accomplished in many ways, while the stewards of God are stupefied, and seem paralyzed, and do not realize their great responsibility and the reckoning which must shortly come.” PH159 152.1

I was shown that the probation of some in the vicinity of Bordoville was soon to close, and it was important that their word should be finished to God's acceptance, that in the final settlement they should hear the “Well done,” from the Master. I was shown the inconsistency of those who profess to believe the truth withholding their means from the cause of God, that they may leave it for their children. Many fathers and mothers are poor in the midst of abundance. They abridge, in a degree, their own personal comforts, and frequently deny themselves those things necessary for the enjoyment of life and health, while they have ample means at their command. They feel, as it were, forbidden to appropriate their means for their own comfort or for charitable purposes. They have one object before them, which is to save property to leave for their children. This idea is so prominent, so interwoven with all their actions, that children learn to look forward to this property finally to be theirs. They depend on it. And this prospect has an important, but not a favorable, influence upon their characters. Some become spendthrifts, others, selfish and avaricious. Some are indolent and reckless. Many do not cultivate habits of economy. They do not seek to become self-reliant. They are aimless, and have but little stability of character. The impressions received in childhood and youth are wrought in the texture of character and become the principle of action in mature life. PH159 152.2

Those who have become acquainted with the principles of the truth, should follow the word of God closely as their guide. They should render to God the things that are God's. I was shown that several in Vermont were making a great mistake in regard to appropriating means that God has intrusted to their keeping. They were overlooking the claims of God upon all that they have. Their eyes were blinded by the enemy of righteousness, and they were taking a course which would result disastrously for themselves and their dear children. PH159 154.1

Children were influencing their parents to leave their property in their hands, for them to appropriate according to their judgment. With the light of God's word, so plain and clear in reference to money lent to the stewards, and the warnings and reproofs through testimony which God has given them in regard to the disposition of means, children who in a direct or indirect way influence the parents to divide while living, or will their property mainly to them to come into their hands after their death, with this light before them, take upon themselves fearful responsibilities. Children of aged parents who profess to believe the truth should in the fear of God counsel, advise, and entreat their parents to be true to their profession of faith, and take a course in regard to their means which God can approve. Parents should lay up for themselves treasures in Heaven, by appropriating their means themselves, to advance the cause of God. They should not rob themselves of their heavenly treasure by leaving a surplus of means to those who have enough, and rob the treasury of God and deprive themselves the precious privilege of laying up for themselves a treasure in the Heavens that faileth not. PH159 154.2

I stated at the camp-meeting that property willed principally to children while none is appropriated to the cause of God, or, if any, a meager pittance, unworthy to be mentioned, this property inherited by the children would frequently prove a curse to them. It would be a source of temptation, and a door open where they will be in danger of falling into many dangerous and hurtful lusts. Parents should exercise the right God has given them. He intrusted to them the talents he would have them use to his glory. The children were not to become responsible for the talents of the father. Parents should, while they are of sound mind and judgment, with prayerful consideration and with the help of proper counsellors who have experience in the truth and a knowledge of the divine will, make disposition of their property. If they have children afflicted or struggling in poverty who will make a judicious use of means, they should be considered. If they have unbelieving children who have abundance of this world and who are serving the world, they commit a sin against the Master who has made them his stewards to place means in their hands, merely because they are children. God's claims are not to be lightly regarded. PH159 155.1

And it should be distinctly understood that because parents have made their will, this will not prevent them from giving means to the cause of God while they live. This they should do. They should have the satisfaction here, and the reward hereafter, of disposing of their surplus means while they live. They should do their part to advance the cause of God. They should use the means lent of the Master to carry on the work in his vineyard, which needs to be done. PH159 156.1

The love of money lies at the root of nearly all the crimes committed in the world. Fathers who selfishly retain their means to enrich their children, and do not see the wants of the cause of God and relieve them, make a terrible mistake. The children whom they think to bless with their means are cursed with it. PH159 156.2

Money left to children frequently becomes a root of bitterness. They often quarrel over the property left them, and seldom are all satisfied with the disposition made by the father, in case of a will. And instead of the means left exciting gratitude and reverence for his memory, it is dissatisfaction, murmuring, envy, and disrespect. PH159 157.1

Brothers and sisters who were at peace with one another are sometimes made at variance, and family dissensions are often the result of inherited means. Riches are desirable only as a means of supplying present wants and of doing good to others. But inherited riches oftener become a snare to the possessor than a blessing. Parents should not seek to have their children encounter the temptations to which they expose them in leaving them means which they made no effort to earn themselves. PH159 157.2

I was shown that some children professing to believe the truth would in an indirect manner influence the father to keep his means for his children instead of appropriating it, while he was alive, to the cause of God. Those who have influenced the father to shift his stewardship upon them, little know what they are doing. They are gathering upon themselves double responsibility, that of balancing the father's mind, that he did not fulfill the purpose of God in the disposition of the means lent him of God, to be used to his glory, and the additional responsibility of becoming stewards of means that should have been put out to the exchangers by the father, that the Master could have received his own with usury. PH159 157.3

Many parents make a great mistake in placing their property out of their hands into the hands of their children while they are themselves responsible for the use or abuse of the talents lent them of God. Neither parents nor children are made happier by this transfer of property. And the parents, if they live a few years even, generally regret this action on their part. Parental love in their children is not increased by this course. The children do not feel increased gratitude and obligation to their parents for their liberality. A curse seems to lay at the root of the matter, which only crops out in selfishness on the part of the children, and unhappiness and miserable feelings of cramped dependence on the part of the parents. PH159 158.1

If parents, while they live, assist their children to help themselves, it would be better than to leave them a large amount at their death. Children who are left to rely principally upon their own exertions make better men and women, and are better fitted for practical life, than those children who have depended upon their father's estate. The children left to depend upon their own resources will generally prize their abilities, and will improve their privileges, and cultivate and direct their faculties to accomplish a purpose in life. They will frequently develop characters of industry, and frugality, and moral worth which lie at the foundation of success in the Christian life. Those children for whom parents do the most, frequently feel under the least obligation toward them. The errors of which we have spoken have existed in Bordoville. Parents have shifted their stewardship upon their children. PH159 158.2

I appealed, at the camp-meeting at Bordoville, in 1870, to those who had means as faithful stewards of God to use their means in the cause of God, and not leave this work for their children. It was their work which God had left them to do, and when the Master should call them to account, they could as faithful stewards render back to him that which he had lent them, both principal and interest. PH159 159.1

Brn. S., C., and S., were presented before me. These men were making a mistake in regard to the appropriation of their means. Some of their children were influencing them in this work, and were gathering upon their souls responsibilities that they were ill-prepared to bear. They were opening a door, and inviting the enemy to come in with his temptations to harass and destroy them. Bro. S.’s two youngest sons were in great danger. They were associating with individuals of a stamp of character which would not elevate, but would debase them. The subtle influence of these associations was gaining an imperceptible influence over these young men. The conversation and deportment of evil companions were of that character to separate these young men from the influence of their sisters and their sisters’ husbands. While speaking upon this subject at the camp-meeting, I felt deeply. I knew the persons were before me whom I had seen in vision. I urged upon those who heard me, the necessity of thorough consecration to God. I called no names, for I was not permitted to do this. I was to dwell upon principles, appeal to the hearts and consciences, and give those who professed to love God and keep his commandments an opportunity to develop character. God would send them admonitions and warning, and if they really desired to do his will, they had an opportunity. Light was given, and then we were to wait and see if they would come to the light. PH159 159.2

I left the camp-meeting with a burden of anxiety upon my mind in reference to the persons whose danger I had been shown. In a few months, news reached us of Bro. C.’s death. His property was left to his children. Last December, we had an appointment to hold meetings in Vermont. My husband was indisposed, and could not go. In order to save too great a disappointment, I consented to go to Vermont in company with sister Hall. I spoke to the people with some freedom, but our conference meetings were not free. I knew that the Spirit of the Lord could not have free course until confession were made, and there was a breaking of heart before God. I could not keep silent. The Spirit of the Lord was upon me, and I related briefly the substance of what I have written. I called the names of some present who were standing in the way of the work of God. PH159 160.1

The result of leaving property to children by will, and also of parents shifting the responsibility of their stewardship upon children while the parents were living, had been verified before them. Covetousness had led Bro. C.’s sons to pursue a wrong course, especially his son W. I labored faithfully relating the things which I had seen in reference to the church, especially the sons of Bro. C. One of these brothers, himself a father, was corrupt in heart and life, a reproach to the precious cause of present truth. His low standard of morals was corrupting to the youth. PH159 161.1

The Spirit of the Lord came into the meetings, and humble confessions were made by some, accompanied by tears. After the meeting, I had an interview with the youngest sons of Bro. S. I plead with them, and entreated them for their souls’ sake to turn square about, and break away from the company of those who were leading them on to their ruin, and seek for the things which make for their peace. While pleading for these young men, my heart was drawn out after them, and I longed to see them submit to God. I prayed for them, and urged them to pray for themselves. We were gaining the victory. They were yielding. The voice of each was heard in humble, penitential prayer, and I felt that indeed the peace of God rested upon us. Angels seemed to be all around us, and I was shut up in a vision of God's glory. The state of the cause at Bordoville was again shown me. I saw that some had backslidden far from God. The youth were in a state of backsliding. PH159 162.1

I was shown that the two youngest sons of Bro. S. were naturally good-hearted, conscientious young men, but Satan had blinded their perception. Their companions were not all of that class which would strengthen and improve their morals, or increase their understanding and love for the truth and heavenly things. “One sinner destroyeth much good.” Their ridicule and corrupt conversation had had its effect to dispel serious and religious impressions. It is wrong for Christians to associate with those whose morals are loose. An intimate, daily intercourse which would occupy time without contributing in any degree to the strength of the intellect or morals is dangerous. If the moral atmosphere surrounding persons is not pure and sanctified, but tainted with corruption, those who breathe this atmosphere will find it operates almost insensibly upon the intellect and heart to poison and ruin. PH159 162.2

It is dangerous to be conversant with those whose minds naturally take a low level. Imperceptibly those naturally conscientious and loving purity will gradually come to the same level, and partake of, and sympathize with, the imbecility and moral barrenness which it is so constantly brought in contact with. It was important that the associations of these young men should change. Evil communications corrupt good manners. Satan worked through agents to ruin these young men. Nothing could work more effectually to prevent or banish serious impressions and good desires than association with vain, careless, and corrupt-minded persons, whatever attractions such persons may possess by their wit, sarcasm, and fun, the fact that they treat religion with levity and indifference is sufficient reason why they should be discarded. The more engaging they are in other respects, the more should this influence be dreaded as companions, because they throw around an irreligious life so many dangerous attractions. PH159 163.1

These young men should choose for their associates those who love the purity of truth, whose morals are untainted, and whose habits are pure. They must comply with the conditions laid down in the word of God if they would indeed become sons of God, members of the royal family, children of the Heavenly King. Come out from among them, and be separate, and touch not the unclean, and I will receive you. God loves these young men, and if they will follow the leadings of his Spirit and walk in his counsel, he will be their strength. PH159 164.1

God has given brother W. C. good abilities, quick perception, and a good understanding of his word. He could, if his heart was sanctified, have an influence for good with his brothers, as well as his neighbors, and those with whom he associates. But the love of money has taken so firm a hold of his soul, which has been carried out in all the transactions of life, that he has become conformed to the world, instead of being transformed, by the renewing of the mind. His powers have been perverted and debased by sordid love of gain, which has made him selfish, penurious, and overbearing. If his qualities had been put in active use in his Master's service, rather than to selfishly serve his own interest, had his object and aim been to do good and glorify God, the qualities of mind God had given him would impart to his character an energy, and efficiency, and humility which could not fail to command respect, and would give him an influence over all with whom he associated. PH159 164.2

I was shown that the property left by the father had indeed been a root of bitterness to his children. Their peace and happiness, and confidence, in each other were greatly disturbed by it. W. C. did not need his father's property. He had enough talents to handle that God had intrusted to his management. If he made a right disposition of that which he had he would at least be among that number who were faithful in that which is least. The addition of the stewardship of his father's property, which he had covetously desired, was a heavier responsibility than he could well manage. PH159 165.1

For several years the love of money has been rooting out the love of humanity and the love of God. And as the means of his father was within his reach, he desired to retain all that was possible in his own hands. He pursued a selfish course toward his brothers, because he had the advantage and could do so. His brothers have not had right feelings. They have felt bitter toward this brother. He had in deal advantaged himself to the disadvantage of others until his course has reproached the cause of God. He lost command of himself. His greatest object was gain, selfish gain. The love of money in the heart was the root of all this evil. I was shown that had W. C. turned his powers to labor in the vineyard of the Lord, he would have done much good; but these qualifications perverted can do a great deal of harm. PH159 165.2

The brothers B. have not had the help they ought to have had. A. C. B. has labored to great disadvantage. He has taken too many burdens upon him, which has crippled his labors so that he has not increased in spiritual strength and courage as he should. The church, who have the light of truth, and should stand in God strong to will, and do, and sacrifice, if need be, for the truth's sake, have been like weak children. They have required the time and labor of Bro. A. C. B. to settle difficulties which should never have existed. And when they have arisen, because of selfishness and unsanctified hearts, they could have been put away in an hour had there been humility and a spirit of confession. PH159 166.1

The brothers B. make a mistake in remaining at Bordoville. They should change their location, and not see Bordoville oftener than a few times in the year. They would have greater freedom in bearing their testimony. These brethren have not felt freedom to speak out truth and facts as they existed. If they had lived elsewhere, they would have been more free from burdens, and their testimony would have had tenfold more weight when they should visit the church at Bordoville. While brother A. C. B. has been weighed down with petty church trials, and kept at Bordoville, he should have been laboring abroad. He has served tables until his mind has become clouded, and he has not comprehended the force and power of the truth. He has not been awake to the real wants of the cause of God. He has been losing spirituality and courage. The work of keeping up Systematic Benevolence has been neglected. Some of the brethren, whose whole interest has once been in the advancement of the cause of God, have been growing selfish and penurious, instead of being more self-sacrificing, and their devotion and love for the truth increasing. They have been growing less devotional, and more like the world. Father B. is one of this number. He needs a new conversion. Brother B. has been favored with superior privileges, and if these are not improved, condemnation and darkness will follow equal to the light he has had, for the non-improvement of the talents lent of God for him to improve. PH159 167.1

The brethren in Vermont have grieved the Spirit of God, in allowing their love for the truth and their interest in the work of God to decline. PH159 168.1

Bro. D. T. B. overtaxed his strength last season, in laboring in new fields with the tent, without suitable help. God does not require brother D., or any of his servants, to injure their health by exposure and taxing labor. The brethren at Bordoville should have felt an interest that would have been shown by their works. They could have secured help if they had been awake to the interest of the cause of God, and felt the worth of souls. While brother D. was feeling a deep sense of the work of God and the value of souls, which called for continual effort, a large church at Bordoville was holding brother A. from helping his brother by their petty difficulties. These brothers should come up with renewed courage, shake themselves from the trials and discouragements which have held them at Bordoville, and crippled their testimony, and they should claim strength from the Mighty One. They should have borne a plain, free testimony to Brn. S. and C., and urged the truth home, and done what they could to have these men make a proper distribution of their property. Brother A., in taking so many burdens, is lessening his mental and physical strength. PH159 168.2

If Bro. W. C., for a few years past, had been walking in the light, he would have felt the value of souls. Had he been cultivating a love for the truth, he might have been qualified to teach the truth to others. He might have helped Bro. B. in his work with the tent. He might, at least, have taken the burdens of the church at home. If he had love for his brethren, and was sanctified through the truth, he could have been a peacemaker, instead of a stirrer-up of strive, which, united with other difficulties, called Bro. A. from his brother's side at a most important time, which resulted in Bro. D.’s laboring far beyond his strength. And yet, after Bro. D. had done all that he could, the work was not accomplished that might have been, had there been the interest there should have been in Bordoville to supply help when it was so much needed. A fearful responsibility rests upon that church for their neglect of duty. PH159 169.1

I was shown that the result of Bro. S.’s course in dividing his property among his children was shifting the responsibility upon them which he should not have laid off. He now sees that the result of this course has brought to him no increase of affection from his children. They have not felt under obligation to their parents for what they have done for them. These children were young and inexperienced. They were not qualified to bear the responsibilities laid upon them. Their hearts were unconsecrated, and true friends were looked upon by them as designing enemies, while those who would separate very friends were accepted. These agents of Satan were continually suggesting to the minds of these young men false ideas, and hearts of brothers and sisters, father, mother, and children, were at variance. PH159 169.2

Father S. made a mistake. Had he confided more in his daughters’ husbands, who loved the truth in sincerity, and had he been more willing to have been helped by the advice of these men of experience, great mistakes might have been prevented. But this is the way the enemy generally succeeds in managing matters in regard to the appropriation of means. PH159 170.1

These cases mentioned were designed of God to be developed, that all may see the deceitfulness of riches upon the heart. The result in these cases, which is apparent to all, should prove a warning to fathers and mothers, and to ambitious children. Covetousness, the word of God defines as idolatry. It is impossible for men and women to keep the law of God and love money. The heart's affections should be placed upon heavenly things. Our treasure should be laid up in Heaven; for where our treasure is there will our heart be also. PH159 170.2
