Church Schools
“In the song of the bird, the sighing of the trees, and the music of the sea, we still may hear His voice.”—The Desire of Ages, 281. PH131 14.1
“While the Bible should hold the first place in the education of children and youth, the book of nature is next in importance.”—Special Testimonies on Education, 58. PH131 14.2
“In itself the beauty of nature leads the soul away from sin and worldly attractions, towards purity, peace, and God. For this reason the cultivation of the soil is good work for the children and the youth.”—Special Testimonies on Education, 60. PH131 14.3
“God has, in the natural world, placed in the hands of the children of men the key to unlock the treasure house of His Word. * * PH131 14.4
* Then let the children become acquainted with nature and nature's laws. * * * The little children should come especially close to nature. * * * Let them become familiar with its beautiful, varied, and delicate forms. Teach them to see the wisdom and love of God, and His created works; and as their hearts swell with joy and grateful love, let them join the birds in their songs of praise. Educate the children and youth * * * to imitate the attractive graces of nature in their character building.—Special Testimonies on Education, 61, 62. PH131 14.5